Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why Good Retailers Make The Best Lovers

The manuals and the agony aunts pretty much all agree that the best lovers are the generous lovers who put their partner first. They listen, they learn and they try to to please them.

It strikes me that it's highly likely therefore that the best retailers make the best lovers. After all, like a good lover, a good retailer puts the customer first, listens to what they want, doesn't push their own agenda, improves their service and products in the light of what they learn about customers' needs, in fact does everything they can to make the customer feel like a king or queen.

Carried over to the bedroom, this mindset cannot fail to please a lover and win his or her heart. Like a loyal customer, the partner is likely to stay faithful and even forgive the occasional lapse into selfishness or peremptory lovemaking.

Of course, we can go too far with comparisons. A good retailer will send a customer to another shop if they're unable to satisfy them. Not many lovemaking manuals would recommend that.

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