Monday, January 01, 2007

How To Market Yourself Out Of Existence

Around Christmas, I seemed to be getting an email from HMV every other day- on one occasion there were three emails in my inbox. It's probably not a coincidence that the other day I read that their shops' seasonal sales are disappointing. I sympathise with them but bombarding their customers with sales emails is not the answer. It's an abuse of the permission I gave them to email and, like others before them, they'll probably find it backfires.
The maximum I want to hear from even my favourite businesses is once a week and then only if they have something interesting to say. i-tunes tell me weekly what's new and I'm grateful. (my favourite online CD/DVD site) mail me every couple of weeks or so and that's even better. Email me too often and I'll do what I've done to HMV- unsubscribe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, just because emails are cheap shouldn't tempt us into bombarding people with them. I already get over 100 a day and unless they're of interest to me (i.e. targeted), I really resent them.